About the book, Giuseppe Vigiano, an Italian author and a contemporary
of Pietro Ubaldi, has thus expressed: "The first and last purpose of The Great Synthesis is exactly to
establish the Kingdom of the Spirit in the world, to reveal man, ignorant, or turned obstinate in his
denial, drowned in scientific materialism, this destroyer of all faith, that everything in our world,
everything in the vast universe, is work of the Spirit, from which we all have proceeded and toward which
we all, consciously or unconsciously, move on. But such evolving Spirit and its Kingdom are not an
intangible, an ethereal abstraction, hovering in the imponderable and sometimes an incomprehensible paradise
of faith. No; Spirit is a reality. Better still; "after the atom disintegration, the chemical
individuality's transmutation, and the atomic explosion discoveries, the reality of the Spirit is the
greatest awaited scientific discovery, a discovery that will revolutionize the world, establishing the
beginning of a new era. Here is a consoling message. Guided by such high and daring objectives, it is
evident that The Great Synthesis could not leave intact religious values and theological categories, such as
man has forged them. The Great Synthesis looks at and sees life as a continual transformism, as a current
that never stops, as a wonderful whirl in which thought, conscientiousness, spirit is constructed, and
reveals that "all life forms are our sister and, like us, they also fight for ascending toward the same
spiritual goal, which is the purpose of every human life.
The Great Synthesis places evolution at the base
of life, and considers it palingenesis, liberation, by affirming that the organic species' progress is not
rectilinear, as Darwin saw it, but alternates with continual involutional returns. Therefore, such is a
recurrent law that repeats itself in the field of individual and collective conscientiousness, and regulates
the development and progress of civilizations. But such evolution cannot take place without reincarnation,
because reincarnation is a need of evolution; it corresponds to the expansion and contraction of
evolutionary cycles; it is a condition of equilibrium of the Law and consequence of the indestructibility
and transformism of Substance. Evolution is redemption. Many other science's researchers, philosophy's
thinkers and religion's leaders have ennobled this monumental work. Among them are Albert Einstein, Ernesto
Bozzano, Gino Trespioli, Guillon Ribeiro, Emmanuel, Augusto dos Anjos, Carlos Torres Pastorino, Clóvis
Tavares, Giuseppe Stoppoloni, Isabel Emerson, Rubens C. Romanelli, and Gaetano Blasi. Monteiro Lobato, one
of the most known Brazilian authors, once said, "We all have a vague dream of finding a BOOK that is as if
our definitive house-a sought after dream house. A book on which we can dwell or start to dwell. (.....).
For I believe that I have found MY BOOK. It is entitled The Great Synthesis, by Pietro Ubaldi. We have to
read it over and over again. By reading it I navigate in its high sea-and dizzy, dazzled, amazed I become!"
Undoubtedly, according to each reader's mental form and perceptive capacity, he or she will find himself or
herself in this book. It is our BOOK; it is the "dream house we have been seeking for" and in it we will
dwell for a long time.
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